Page 337 - Carrollton 2004
P. 337

M y  Dearest Daughter,

                                                From the  moment you  were bom, as I  was holding you In  ml
                                                arms for the first time, I knew  you  would be someone who
                                                Would achieve many  great things In life,  making  me very  peoij
                                                It Was  the happiest moments  of my life.

                                                Since th a t day  y o u   have grown a  lot, a n d   have  developed as a
                                                W onderful daughter, a  caring  sister, a  great friend, a  dedicated
                                                stu d en t a n d  a  beautiful, determ ined a n d   Independent young I
       Woman. Every  person  who  knows you,  only  has  w onderful things to  say ab o u t you. Elavlng y o u  as

       m y   daughter Is a  gift from  God. I adore you.

       Congratulations  on your Graduation. You  have achieved a  lot  on your own merits, and  hcwe earn©
      admission to  one  of the greatest Universities In America. I am  sure this  will be just the beginning fa

       you, and  that the future  holds wonderful things for you, Including a  great profession, a  successful
      career, and great accomplishments. As you  go  out on your own,  use always your good judgment,
      which will take you  In the right direction.

      I know I will miss you very  much  when you  go  to College, and  that visiting you In Washington, DC
      will be  one  of m y favorite  programs In the  next four years. Remember, though,  that your room  will
      always be ready for you, and  that your visits to  our home  will always be special events.

      Thank you for your company during all these years, In the good and the bad times. Thank you fori
      being there for me  when I had  difficult moments In the  past and needed  you  by  my side. Count on
      me to  be there for you  when you  need me. Thank you  for all the happy moments and memories

      you  have  given me. Count on me to  do  my  best to always try  to  make you  happy. Thank you  for
      being so supportive  of our family. Count on all of us to  support you
      remember this  will always be your home and I  will be here for you.

      Our family Is very  proud  of you,  dear daughter, and no  matter
      where you are and  how  old you are, for us you  will always be  our
      little  princess.

                      W ith  all th e love In th e World,

      P.S. Thank. you foe being m y  daughter, m y  pride,  my joy and  my

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