Page 103 - Carrollton 1979
P. 103



             This is our student government. They have maintained
        a united spirit throughout the year by initiating activities such
        as:  The Toga Party,  food for the Ceramic League Fair, The
        Columbus  Exchange,  Student  Slides,  Assembly,  and  The
        Christmas Party.
             As leaders of the student body they have been success­
       ful. However, as group carrollers, their act is, well...  u h ... gee
       .  .  .  well,  not quite as good!

                                  RIGHT:  EXECUTIVE BOARD
                              M. T. Valle,  Vice Secretary-Treasurer
                               Lelen Bourgoignie,  Vice President
                                         Libby Amdur,  President
                                 Ingrid Byles,  Secretary-Treasurer

                                 BELOW:  MEMBERS (left to right)
                  Terry Batista, Yolanda Gasalla, Meg Gamer,
                      Jackie Mantilla, Ingrid Byles, Ann Laibe,
                       Lelen Bourgoignie, Lili Gonzalez,  advisor,
          Suzanne Townsend, Alicia Suarez, Sonia Sarmiento,
                   Patty Ecker,  Carol Kohlenberg,  M. T. Valle,
        Libby Amdur,  Hillary Major,  Sarah Walker,  Beth Katz.
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