Page 26 - Carrollton 1979
P. 26


  ACTIVITIES:                                   March 8,  1961                         “I do not
  Backgammon Club (11)
                                                                                       Want to change you
  Class President (11)
                                                                                       You know what is
  Field Biology (11)
                                                                                       Best for you
  Focus Staff (10)                                                                     Much better than I
  Leadership Award                              “To live your life
   Liaison Officer to the Administration        in your own way . . .                  I do not
   Most Valuable Tennis Player (9,  10,  11)    To reach for the goals                 Want you to change me
   Prom Committee (11)                          you have set for yourself.  .  .       I want you to
   Scuba Diving (11,  12)                       To be the you                          Accept me and respect me
   Sports Committee (10, 11)                    that you want to be .  . .             The way I am.
   Student Council (11,  12)                    That is success.”                      In this way
   Student Council President (12)                                                      We can build
   Sunshine Committee (9,  10)                                                         A strong relationship
   Tennis Team (9,  10,  11,12)                                                        Based on reality
   Tennis Team Captain (11,12)                                                         Rather than a dream”
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