Page 115 - Carrollton 1992
P. 115

Montessori and Kindergarten

             T op   to  B ottom ;  L eft  to
             Right:  Estefania Schneer,
             H eather  Higginbotham ,
             Leslie  M enendez,  Gener
             sis  R o d rig u ez,  L o ren a
             Quintana, Stefan ie  More-

             T o p   to  B ottom ;  Left  to
             R ig h t:  A lexan d ra  Jim*
             enez,  Fernand a  G orrea.
             ( ’h ristin e  Y ald ez-L ora,
             A m a n d a   Si n g le ta  ry ,
             DaKota  Badia,  Sarajane
             M cM ahon
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