Page 155 - Carrollton 1992
P. 155
Carrollton's first Wacky World of Sports took place
on Saturday, February %1992. On that perfect Satur
day, teams consisting of students from Belen, Colum
bus, Lourdes, Ransom, FIU, and MDCC joined
together, under the leadership of a Carrollton student
team captain to compete in crazy games. Among the
wacky games were human checkers, three-armed
volleyball, and beach-ball soccer. The day got off to a
good start with a scavenger hunt in which all teams,
using bizarre clues, searched for huge crayons, tiny
dinosaurs, and four foot long tubes of toothpaste. The
finale was a challenging obstacle course in which
each member of every team participated.
The mascots for the {Jay were little good luck trolls
with wild hair, known to the Carrollton community as
“Fifos." They seemed to bring an extra amount of
good luck to one team consisting of eight Carrollton
seniors and their friends. For winning, each member
of that team received a little Fifo keychain or figurine.
Not everyone came out of the day a winner, but all left
with memories of a hilariously fun-filled day.
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