Page 61 - Carrollton 1992
P. 61
Erica Rios
O ctober 6, 1973
Herrera, Panama
Failing to fetch ine at first keep encouraged Juventud.divino tesoro, va te vas para no volver;
Missing ine on e place search another. C'.uando quiero Uorar no Uoro. v a veces lloro sin quer-
1 stop som ew here uniting for you. er
Walt W hitm an Ruben Dario
Erica.. .Ec a .. .Ekala... K uqui.B«>om Boom .H SJH W M ER THE 1 M U SK ETEERS...H ere’s to good fr ie n d s ...Ja n e t-lo c k e r.C o in c i
d e n ce, i think n ot!...C ^ th .K h ris-A IR L IFT H E K O M O T O D R A G O N ...V S e? S tep h, H eath er sm aller than the atom ic
bom b.CloscupTU ...not just a toothpaste.kkska Superbow l-thosc 3D glasses...Sacude G arrapata que esta no es tu vaca...Q -
Q u i& F rcd ric k I I .t Y Y O l !...| o h n ‘s B a n d -12 y e a h rig h t. N oiit P u h lix ...D o tti.ih a n x fo r e /t ...B e l l 2 x -I’ve g o t to be
t r a /v !... I HAN \ . . ( a rp o o l D ram a p i2 ... WH Y( »l Y E t P O N A T H E O R Y .JL 'S T 'C U Z IT ’S N O T T R U E ... 1 p ack in 2d ay s...C ris-
N o lo .M a n o lo !... C h ip s a n y o n e . ..D E E P E R S H A D E O F S O l* I ..C M C O F F E E H O U S E .. .P r o nil *91 -H e a th is h e re -
spondingrt HI C M )...A na.lookthcre*s(*iiba!H oiTuna...(A R LTW K *EM YAGE...Y ()l,CAM E2.f>W EEKSlATE.bud...mentiiiraa-Hotel
( California...El Tori to! bobos.iknowvoubvhcarl. Si hahlP> t*spahol...IthinkihercforcIam...Stoncs,m\’stressrelievers...whatevertickles)*-
ourfaiu y.whalcverflulUTsvour skirt...W herc’slhcbull?..-( ^ulos,didvouknnwheatheris‘black‘,...TOM&: JERRY...FUBAR.FUJI MO AN N IE
N< )PO pC O R N ...M arg arita* ille*K E\"W EST .Sinpena.sin\erguen/a...T he Big C h ill.m ierrco lesss...aliin eed isalittleh elp fro m -
mvfriends...Dios mio, My god. Mon DicuM'm trilingual. Wh visihewushmonumnci2coIors?Unkjiown Soldier.thanx Joe...Sum m er
91-th eg ro v e RICKSHAW S II I \T O l .( i t ’VS. Pattv=sunshine... Break on T h ru !... PAN A MEN AtP U RA PANAM ENA! ...M E L
AI.WAYS...Heather, WVndv Jan et 4+years of true, unconditional love, can't be found everyday, my love 4 you keeps on growing &
will aIwavs grow!... 11.1 *VYC) 1‘.,. ,\1 ED SCH O O I. 11E RE 1( <) M E!... PAPI .MAMI, KIKJ. E RI (.. M AMAKIQU 1 .GOOBY.I LUVYOU... YOU ’RE
TH E WIND BENEATH MY WINGS!...El am or que vo siento ptir uds. no se puede com parar...(!arrollton-thanx for 4great years...I
wish there were windows tt» my vm l so that you can see som e of my feelings!,..BYE...
J u s t ta ll o n m\ n a m e a n d v»»u know w h erev er
1 am I II t o m e ru n n in g to s r r y ou again
I f i t ’s a fu tu re w orld we
— ( a r o le King
fea r, we have tom orrow 's
seeds right here.
For you can hold them in
vour hand or let them fall
into the sand.