Page 108 - Carrollton 1973
P. 108
Uume 1 No. 3 10c January 31, 1973
pn January 18, Sister Catherine Baxter,
dmistress of Carrollton, announced
there would be an experimental Press Club
Ss than
M ia r d e d ,
“ general
il ones,
Left to Right, Top to bottom - Pat O 'Brien, Melissa Weber, Margherita Blanc, Kathv Vereen, Sue Simons, )urces.
Editor, Lourdes Rodriguez, M aria Eugenia Escagedo, M argarita G utierrez, M argaret cowman, Carolyn Cald i of re-
w ell, M agali G utierrez, Ana Trias, M arianela M orejon. Not pictured; Ana M aria V iam onte, Sarah Ettm an, n manly
[Julie Ross ;nce or
js which
jit. One
.itth this
ky, she acquired a Fine Arts documentary work, then working at CBS defect. It accounts for ten per cent of
n Drama. studios for the same purpose. She lived individuals in residential facilities at an
leaching experience is extensive, in New York for three years and met her average lifteime cost of SI00,000 per
(taught at schools in Rhode Island, husband Dennis Linn there. They were person. Other causes in this category
rk. Massachusetts, Minnesota and married in Minnesota are those which are the effect of certain
rida. They both grew tired of Minnesota so, types of exposure by expectant mothers
I at Carrollton, she teaches deciding to travel around the world, they to X-rays and excessive amounts of drugs,
lern Literature in (he High School bought a 28 foot sailboat and named it which disorder the genes.
■a in 11ic Middle School. “Mentor”. Traveling down the Mississippi Embryonic problems arc those which
1)1 hot expei icriccs in Drama was River, through the Gulf of Mexico, around cause retardation because ol influence on
I at WGBII I .V. in Bosion. a the Bahamas to the Virgin Islands, they the mother during pregnancy. Those
llucational cliaiinel. wlieic she ended up in Florida where they have include German measles, glandular dis
liinieni nv films. settled for the time being. orders and toxic materials. Cont'd p. 4