Page 138 - Carrollton 2005
P. 138
Vou„ ,
March 1,2005
Havanah Harry's was so much fun. Taking the
orders and putting them in the computer, and then
giving the people their food. It got kind of hectic
at some points because the food wasn't coming
fast enough or we ran out of Sangrias. At the end
of the night my feet were killing me! Through this
experience I have a new found respect for waiters2
waitresses, bartenders, and the chefs. I still had a lot
of fun, If was so cool.
La-De-Da! Junior Traci Walder (im
mediate top) entertains the guests
with her skillful violin playing.
Dirty Dishes. Junior Alexandra Pizzi
puts away the dishes,.
Entertainment! Junior Traci Walder
plays the violin.
More Salad. Jr. High students, and
Bertha Chen make the salad
Waitresses. Juniors Christina
Astigarraga, Brittany Bahamon &
Alexandra Viliasar.te pose for a quick
May I take your order? Junior Kath
erine London© takes a customer's
Teacher's get hungry too! A mix of
high school and Jr. High teachers
support Havana Harry's.
The director's in the house. High
School director, Mr. Danguillecourt
and his family enjoy dinner.
136 March