Page 158 - Carrollton 2005
P. 158
vSea Camp
M ay 2005
Dear Diary,
Tom orrow I leave fo r
Seacamp. A bunch o f secret m ud game. I am
m y eighth grade friends kind o f nervous abo ut
told me that it's a lo t o f the sw im m ing w ith
fun. I have always been sharks b u t w e w ill see
inrested in aquatic life, h o w that goes. Well, I
so I'm glad I have the still have to go pack, so
o pp ortun ity to see every I w ill make an update
thing up close. I heard abo ut h o w it goes w hen
that we get to go snor- I get back.
Teacher Time! Mrs, Rodriguez, Mrs. Gomez, Mrs. Hatlf
keling in the coral reefs, -I O carrolltongrl
Mrs. Raitzsch, and Coach A smile in front of the bus. I
swim w ith sharks, and
play a
Look at our star! (Above) Dorothy Kafta, Andrea Barciafl
Coach A, Pamela Zedan, and Lauren Fields pose togetlS
for a pciture while carrying the starfish that they fo u n d l
while snorkeling. (Below) Misty Johnston, Sarah. Pine®
Elizabeth Hayworth, and Sofia Sitterson pull apart se ^H
Beautiful Scenary. The views were immaculate. weed.
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