Page 169 - Carrollton 2005
P. 169
"I've had the KtO%«» of having Mrs. Alford as a teacher,
mentor, and friend " -Senior Lnciana Maggiolo
You’ll Be Missed
April 7, 2005
us through all of the viruses, editing,
tear Diary,
and writing. She had devoted so much
pday was an interesting day in Year- time to perfecting the yearbook, her
I ook class. We sat down in front of leaving was unimaginable. She is an
hr computers and began working as amazing teacher and person. No class
Ft were going to be a normal day, is ever dull, we always have fun and
|d e re the pictures wouldn't fit and get our work done. The yearbook class
couldn't think o f the right cap- decided that we should give a grand
>ns. To our surprise, the news that recognition o f everything she has
(5 coming was much more disap done for us. This page doesn't even
pointing, Mrs. Alford, our Yearbook compare to everything she has done
Hacher, made an announcement or the masterpieces she has created. In
if she was going to be leaving us the end, we, as a class, would like to
A/ards the end of the year. Everyone thank you, Mrs. Alfrod, for everything
iked at each other in disbelief. Mrs. and wish you the best in Naples!
brd had been the one who guided -07rgordon
Which Page Should I Work On
Now? (Top Left) Mrs. Alford and
student, Dillon Burke, pick out the
next page to do for the yearbook.
W hat Now? (Above) Mrs. Alford
stares profoundly at a new finished
Smiles Of Joy! (Left) Mrs. Alford
strikes a quick smile of joy to show
the class how excited she was: to
have finished another yearbook
Mrs. Alford 160