Page 197 - Carrollton 2005
P. 197

Gabriela de la Liana

                       April 15,1987

   3by.  Gabz.  Gaby Joe.  GoboL.anime  freak...karate's  not  DOODLING,  it's
   \NGA... reality? fantasy?-you  mean they aren't the same thing?...I  haven't failed
   jst found  10,000 ways that won't work!...most accident-prone in  a single soccer
   ason...BI.UE  DEVIL.  BABY! 11...To all  my friends,  you  are so wonderful  in  so  many
   lys! Each of you has enriched my life. I wouldn't be the person I am today without
  k.  I  love you with all  my heart! —Noor:  Nono...Camel...cadore...nunu...lLLYi  Ma
   :L..What animal does a camel make?.,  R FOR RETARD!!...Anatomy class...Hllll MIKI!
   am*.. .the only ones that couldn't eat candy on Conge.. .slow motion falling... your
   iley-faces.. ."DON'T MAKE FUN OF THEM",. .she's not a girl!...your birthday party at
  | apartment; falling in the hole.. .the wedding picture on close-up.. .—do the dosey-
  |...good times good times  ...Izzy:  izzard the fig-picking lizard!  Ithy!  Izzy the piggyi  do  you  spell  wood?...R-0-C-K...Biology  madness...  20+  children...’
 HU MADE ME SQUISHYI.-.Shiatar! Bardaku! my story dumb? Yes it is,  don't lie...
 H)az strumming on the guitar* tell me all your problems!,..annoying children at the
 f t n* e~hOUSe" ’eVil  monkey H   YEAH WELLHsay...uhh.,.I forgot-..  *squeezie
 lbs*.., Jenny: Jennu...  my children  with the  messed  up  Spanish  names  French
 nfcs memories...NO BUT I HAD THE RIGHT ANSWER!...but that's not
 irjche  vocab!...AP  Bio  book  in  the  locker  o_0??...Gryffinclaw...
 Ijherpuff...  pictures I  drew on close-up: 'THIS IS MELVIN'S SEAT"/
 lings  you  Hate"...I  keep  missing  the  Koreans...ilwoo  running
 il  a  plane...Meriwether,  Larry-Jane,  Norbert...  eat  only  the
 lips.,.stupid  manatees...heart  youl...Cynthia:  the  rock  band...
 I/ie   nights...get-togethers  at  your  house...FEED  ME!...cookie
  igh...rule  of  the  house:  you  MUST  eat,..always  drawing  on
  r board...Donnie  Darko...DDR  madness...we  could  go to  the
  ige Green! It's nice and, er, green...Alex's middle name...  starts
  i a J,  really important in  history...JOHN ADAMS...GOD...uhhh
  is?...haha  awesome...Iny:  Inayl...drawing  the  "angel"  on your  period  together...the  music  guru...Karina:  my  Puerto
  h  buddy!...San  are  you  going?,-,.mead^hh
  'be  NO!!! do you  get to  (insert place  here)?...  te
  iro, mi boriqua bella...Cesca & Nalisa: I'm so glad I got closer to
  Jguys this year.. .the H names., .you two are soooooo hysterical,
  ways remember your unique sense of humor.. .lunch will never
  pe same without you...Soccer Cult:  it's  been SO  FUN...I  can't
  i START with the memories, there's way too many! I love you all
  I'll miss you SOOO  mueh..,Caitlin, Terri,  Gaby,  Desi,  Patty: we
  3 all  soccer seniors  together.  It's  been  great playing with you
  he  past four years.  All  of you  are  in fny heart forever  ....and
  but certainly not least...Mom,  Dad, Patrick: My beautiful family.
 | tk you  for  always  supporting  me,  even  though  I  may  drive
  nuts about 99% of the time.  I  love you  more than words can
 Itess. and I'll always keep our millions of memories close. <3
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