Page 187 - Carrollton 1978
P. 187

Prescriptions filled
                                                                                                   with the utmost care.
                                                                                                   We keep in step with
                                                                                                     the most modern
              C RA NE  C A M S   -  H O LLEY  -  T R W

                 Airpark  Auto  Parts,  Inc.
                   H IG H   P E R F O R M A N C E   CEN TER
                                                                          LILES'  PHARMACY
                  6761  N. W.  7th  Street  •   Miemi,  Fie.  33126
                         Phone:  (3 0 6 )  266-4311
             H O O K ER   H EA D E R S  - A C C EL - V A N   A C C E S S

                                                                                     3400 Main Highway
                                                                                    Coconut Grove, Florida

                                                                              We Depend on You to Depend on Us.

                                                                   L.S. Rentz, Owner                            443-8477


                TRAVEL AGENCY

                          3462 Main Highway
                          Coconut Grove, Fla.


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