Page 109 - Carrollton 1995
P. 109

Duke.Every problem  can be solved.Help!  the  food's eating me.Fac-
  c io .S tu d y .A c tiv itie s.A im e e   an d   I  co n n e ct  at  the  e lb o w .Y o !
   Dude.Qonna miss yaiJennifer kick som e soccer butt! Deborah watch

  out  for  that  go-cart.Catherine  may  1 help  you?  Estelle.What  is  it
   Lassie?the  milkman  is  hurt.FeaceiJennifer  Mrs.  Hyper.Brad  one
  .o'the girls.Kim couldn't do the gan g R.  Wake up and smell  the Bur-
   ritoslSm ilelRemember  the  good  stufflRome  '92.Lili,Jennifer,Alex-
  ee.Y'all.Careful  on  that  bike  you  might  set  on  fire.You just  don't
   u n d e rs ta n d .It's   p u rp le   a n d   it  g lo w s   in  the  d a rk .W e   love
   m +m 's.C heep,cheep,cheep, talk  a  lot,pick  a  little  m ore.Free  hot
  d ogs  for  the  kiddieslShaving  eyebrow s  in  the  night.neck  m as­
                                                                         Lorena Vollrath-Bueno
  sage.Old  wom an's  Random.Are you  going  to  Dallas?Joke.Just  kid-
  ding.I'm  a  race car,no,no  I'm  not kidding.Big man  with  a     02-04-77
   m ajestic  nose.W e  love  Martin  Andy  T odd.C rossed  to  the  other
  side.Put  the  sting  into  you.This  one's  for  you.  Is  love  blind,Ray
  Charles is blind thereture Post plane sleep,the free
   drug.Singing'TM  be  there"Hippie  look.Journals.Wafers.Coke.Train   Pain is temporary, victory is forever.
   ride.W est  Point.Ben,Elizabeth,Jen,Chris,Chris,Kelly,Jim .Tobacco          -Anonymous
   ro ad .F atty   M c G e e .J e rk y   B o y s ,A d a m .S a n d le r .B e n   an d   the
   P iano.Sin ging.R ight  here  right n ow .O ld  King C ole w as a  m erry  Through the years and  miles between us,  it's been a long
   ole  soul.Richie,Richard,Tanya,Dave,David,Lily,Spencer,Vera,Austin,   and lonely ride, but if I got that call in the middle o f the
   Loretto,Brad,Frances,Fran,Frannie, Melissa, Mo, Dawn,Dawnarella,   night I'd be there by your side.
   M arm aduka,Ana,Luster,Jess.  B ow ling,Pool,  tattoos,W alkathon,            -Bon Jovi
   South Beach,Picture Albums,Jessies driving,look at that butt,you go
   girLchicuana.I  love you all Lo,Lolo,Lori,Leona,Lorena.   The majesty of the water,
                                                             the magnitude o f the challenge,
                                                             The merit o f the  rower.
                                                             Poetry in motion.

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