Page 119 - Carrollton 1995
P. 119
Top to bottom, left to right: Car
olina Garcia (Minth grade Presi
dent), Mrs. Crain (Director of Stu
dents), Heather Rothenberg
(President of the High School),
Mme Himmer (advisor to Con
gress), Kristine Rohrbeck (Com
mittee Coordinator), Yanik Fer
nandez (Tenth Grade president),
Mrs. Trujillo (advisor to con
gress), Kelli Patterson (Vice Pres
ident of the High School), Aimee
Ferrer (Secretary Treasurer of the
High School), Kristina Hernandez
(President of the Senior class)
National Honors Society
From left to right: Wendy
Charon, Vanessa Ferro, Mary
Mahaney, Kelli Patterson, Ana
Espino, Wrood Kassira, Adriana
Riviere, Christine Rohrbeck. MOT
PICTURED: Mrs. Muldoon, Mrs.
Crain, and Maria Ignacia Del-
Clubs, Committee's