Page 130 - Carrollton 1995
P. 130
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"Don't walk, no
m atter w hat,
coach Kim
N ^ e,r ° P -° bA0tt0I?1; Iefl to risht: Lisa Reyes' A**3 ^aria Villar, Kelly Camacho Debbie
S S S t rT 'a '^ c Ralac,° ' Angehque Schaldack, Alexa Penell, Samantha Miller Vickv
Palomo, Claudia Selva, Sabina Micholls, Lara del Rio.
To the left, top to bottom, left to right:
Cavalli, Sissi B an go, Eva Q reco, Dan
Vidal, Olga Del Valle, Christina Alvarez,
ie Papadam, Ms. Thom pson (coach),
Toledo, Maria Cristina Garcia, Paola Dach
na, Gabriella Greco.
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