Page 138 - Carrollton 1995
P. 138


               This  year  W om en's  Day  took
            place  in  December  8th,  1994.  The
            day  began  with  a  breakfast  in  El
            Jardin  Building  where  the  mothers
            had a chance to mingle.
              The  Drama  Club  presented  an
            interpretation  of a  poem  by Julia
            Esquiel.  Students  then  portrayed
           different  cultural  dances  which
           ended  with  a  special  appearances
           by the mothers.
              From there the school proceeded
           to  St.  Hugh  for  the  mass  of  the
           Immaculate Conception.
              The  festivities  culminated  with
           the  mothers  and  daughters  taking
           the  afternoon  to  have  lunch  and
           enjoy each others company.
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