Page 185 - Carrollton 1995
P. 185
Qmi Heyf-
It'» M e M on a d a . M ii u d it . O n e a iiii ntw . .p m y ..P L G ..,. A u t r a u . A D lk t everglades jtacemp, disuey.. no » « ' tkut’s alright ill fist ust the skxrt u a dre** thi coke machine dancing, the
trail .pM y IB dec. l&oct 1 7J& 1 S 41I jo o l t i i u i u t c r jb r jo tw u tke lost fo y t A n J o v t i L ^ a i t ‘I 'r a x i. i r a w a s burning th ro n g tke atgkt all tke n a t l i j plates tke U m d c s c o u t
jro ie .. tke cow.. me rpuric'i liv e n u sm W . n i M ts iM s ^ ra L p s iW ia cA stt kouse. tke servo us td tp fco u call.the deed w ee w as happy chart house I f * W kos hoof. . H er! K h k M Park, tke tree
tk at myt AD .arlette'* house tz qutero como uua varito . auuuuiucko -in u giu atto u * o tiom truth or dare~ i dart ya. and it never ends. T O C O . tken's somnckstuff cwauttosay idcn’t bnowwhere
t M t s r t y n t u d it n c everything tk et ahu c su k cing nerd no know andyouol w ays believed i t o e W w e y w U i w n t c i t o findsonuone
pstlikeeaesowecoaldlaughtogctherwell yourriytwinandiknowwellalwaytendupinthesameplaccnomatterwhertitii
■always- Tiff and Mon-aidul and ektrt. tke weekeod warrior* tm tke keys CP A G T 1 L D R M M . M K .C M W M . JF H A LK . F IC F R Q ueee Warsaw and tke Soutk Bencher 4-ever Cretin 4tC
Manteca Cmwliug'Vm Madonna. A B S O L U T E !y falling off ckairn.grnndma fall* Where’* tke l o ^ L M c u d s I d t a i aya bapf no mom if* a figment of you/ i e u ^ u t i n . Mauusla/. w k e t was tke point of thatf-.l
c a s t remember tke last 60 seconds of what you fist told me. Ilk O okl v iv o n * dotea't work for m e BtG Scott and Ralph Who/. Some chuck and chong if you pleasLall my summer dreams <u tke Blockbuster
summer u igkts_w kere evexbody knows your name and tkey*re a lw a ys gla d ya came IVetck IU _a «ti-r at tke wheelL .wtfll be Scrcwup* for ever D is jnmcs forever .hut whick oneff Pdleyitc is mty
angel—Solid Geld Birthday Celebration End* la Car C r o k l .A rfette is m y V in tw t Fem me Softball Practice *Z hope no one's..*, yeok sure u k s ttv c r . l i tke a tr .n e r w e w e o t w ild ( l i e Mister* la tke u s tArte
words to you arlz't unfocgettalltjtndenisMe and tio la ft ia ^ . U n m gracitla were going to velvet create. _ ... yeak theft it—thAfs tke ticket H ey wonder w om ea_you 're a bad ASk me tomctking
talk to meAnnic-AnniernaL.plump turkey tke one and only angry chihuahua aUe to soar over ' .A a a iem a l haw’d you end up ia tke golf course/ .'die flew tkertf key.
you know what i (ovc your tom there’* only more thanks for putttug up w itk my.crepes at cap d'atl— untrue hr arete ia again and ate everything ..Laura and tke m auieipal pooLdaes anyone
in the to w u have lath Steve sounder* wandering tyns.. w t .u - .w t were once friend s.-Michelle you're A vis come one one dance okay fist a Up curl okay how about a sentence, a word not Okay fist sit tkere
s o l laugh with me a while about thinga-Tiff you’re danny bonncdnan you were always there- watch it ske’s pur pie-ifs the poo pi o e tor's fault-
.the a a tio a e litie e tk e red fcgirt. kakaka -yeah i’m conceited w itk good reason—H a t’s got a * au tkaritatiue disability cucucachoo senom robiutou-psua te ama mas que tu sabes sisisi -you caa kick some hard core
booty Cardin, you're s till my friend-.Rcgina bites du't wierd but then again to is everyone—Don't worry i'll keep your secret (/ you keep n tiu e..O «vta<s got a k a tlt l a helmexhey the ft okay it fist means that
God w a a ts to take care of your precious head uk yeak rigfit-and I care because/. Tiff and D and M e .w e all liv e (a de yelLer submarine—VbAdL&dm~theyrt mad and on the loose w itk tke attitude—theyn
D A M M A Q - w a teh them dotely aud you'll see the were tke ^ irs t .you oevcr squinted or hreiked or ran a w a y . . you put shrugged and put your arm around me and we kept
walking down lifts road together-although we mi^it not be on tke same street sometimes well always be on the seme block oh and please if i a a l to find you-please keep your beeper on you—Tll always have
ratac—Is a thanks foe Vs never forgotten..$ IS i love you—Cristina, Annie, Tiffany, Arlene, Diangie, Pam, Mick/He^KnginavCaroda - you don't and probably never will understand how much you
helped m e by fist smiling and being there., you let me be myself and didn’t make me hide end for that i owe you so all have my lo ve end gra titu d e forever..ill never forget w k at you guys did for
roe and i hope you never forget tke loca you once kucw-.t love you guys end i a lw a y s will...Well my cerrollton friends I've been here far 13 years and i’ve teen alot of things but i always loved you all-end
especially CerraCTtoa (w k e a you le t me love yoaiX -we bod py, w e hod fun, we had seasons ia the sun, but tke w tue sad tke song, w itk tke seasons, has all gome...pi I'm still gonna be on Opeah-.ppa that is
if i’m off my tour w itk M edouao-xatck ya later dudtsLvuya coa d to«L.143-13-a2 3 -1 3 .1 4 3 ^ 6 6 -1 4 3 -1 2 .. 143-29-. D O N T T O U - FO R G E T A B O U T M E .-I'L L BE A L Q N E ..D A N C T N ’.-T O U K N O W IT B A B T - .