Page 26 - Carrollton 1995
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                                                         World of Learning

                                                Carrollton's Montessori and Primary   Montessori develops a strong intel­
                                             program  introduces  the  young  stu­  lectual foundation along with spiritual
                                             dents  to  the  world  of learning.  The   growth.  The students are  taught that
                                             program is designed so that the girls   each  child  is a  beautiful  creation  of
                                             are  exposed  to  the  experience  of   God's love and that they are surround­
                                             working  together.  The  girls  are  also   ed by the many gifts that He has given
                                             able to express their unique personal­  them.  These  teachings  take  place  in
                                             ities by being allowed to learn at their   their  daily  prayers  and  religious
                                             own  pace  in  an  environment  free  of   classes.
                                             competition.  The  program  promotes   Montessori  and  Primary students
                                             well  roundedness  even  in  the  early   start to develop a sense of community
                                             stages of the students lives.       through  their  interaction  with  one
                                                M ontessori's  philosophy  is  that   another. They are taught to share and
                                             each  teacher  matches  the  students   respect  each  other  and  to  give  to
                                             natural  interest with concrete materi­  those that are less fortunate.
                                             als. Students are taught basics in Lan­  The  know ledge  that  they  gain
                                             guage,  Mathematics, Geography, Sci­  encourages them to learn and sets a
                                             ence, and different practical aspects of   foundation  to  the  beginning  of an
                                             life in general.                    inspirational education.

                   Lois Webber                         Lourdes Perez                        Diana Norniella
            Master Montessori Teacher              Assistant in Montessori              Assistant in Montessori
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