Page 38 - Carrollton 1995
P. 38

JTI  nterm ediate

         ( J ) c h o o l

                      Imagination and perception are enhanced ...

                                                  "Right          f r o m
                                                 the      start,  we

                                                 write from the

                                                       Mrs. Turner

         The  Interm ediate  School  ers  instruct              students      in
         consists of the fourth,  fifth,      Spanish,     physical    educa­
         and  sixth  grades.  The  stu­       tion,  computer,  music  and                     Mrs.  Bustillo
                                                                                               Spanish 1-6
         dents  study  in  Carrollton's  art.  With  the  help  of their
         historic  El  Jardin  building.      teachers,  the  girls  develop
         This location offers the stu­        the  ability  to  make  use  of
         dents access to the terrace          the  v a lu a b le  skills  they
         for  lunch,  the  swim m ing         learn.
         pool  behind  El  Jardin  and           By  offering  the  students
         their  IBM  compatible  com­         va rio us   a p p r o a c h e s  to
         puter  lab.  Each  grade  also       learning    such  as  working
         has its own computer, tele­          on  projects,  their  imagina­
         vision, and VCR.                     tions  and  perceptions  are
            The  faculty  is  composed       enhanced.  "The  girls  have
         of two  teams:  the  core  or        many     op p o rt un it ie s  to
         hom eroom   teachers  and           develop writing skills," says
         the  encore  teachers.  Each        fifth  grade  teacher  Kath­
        g r a d e  has    two    e n c ore   leen TUrner, "the girls learn                    Mrs. Campwell
        te ach ers     in  which  on e       outside of the classroom as                     Computers 4-6
        teaches  language  and  reli­        well   th ro u gh   field   trips
        gion, and the other teaches          such as going to the Miami
        math,  science,  and  social         Herald      and     the    Eve r­
        studies.  The  encore  teach-        glades."
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