Page 38 - Carrollton 1995
P. 38
JTI nterm ediate
( J ) c h o o l
Imagination and perception are enhanced ...
"Right f r o m
the start, we
write from the
Mrs. Turner
The Interm ediate School ers instruct students in
consists of the fourth, fifth, Spanish, physical educa
and sixth grades. The stu tion, computer, music and Mrs. Bustillo
Spanish 1-6
dents study in Carrollton's art. With the help of their
historic El Jardin building. teachers, the girls develop
This location offers the stu the ability to make use of
dents access to the terrace the v a lu a b le skills they
for lunch, the swim m ing learn.
pool behind El Jardin and By offering the students
their IBM compatible com va rio us a p p r o a c h e s to
puter lab. Each grade also learning such as working
has its own computer, tele on projects, their imagina
vision, and VCR. tions and perceptions are
The faculty is composed enhanced. "The girls have
of two teams: the core or many op p o rt un it ie s to
hom eroom teachers and develop writing skills," says
the encore teachers. Each fifth grade teacher Kath
g r a d e has two e n c ore leen TUrner, "the girls learn Mrs. Campwell
te ach ers in which on e outside of the classroom as Computers 4-6
teaches language and reli well th ro u gh field trips
gion, and the other teaches such as going to the Miami
math, science, and social Herald and the Eve r
studies. The encore teach- glades."