Page 82 - Carrollton 1995
P. 82
Alex Gonzalez
"I don't sleep, I dream"
"We all want to be something, yet we already are something"
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest o f the world walks out."
Walter Winchell
Just call m e Alex..."Chicago" or "we thank you"?...stop in
name o f love...I told you so!...Sushi sessions ... nam bo kingj
dedodododedadada...justa pasta., san pelegrino...mezanote..
funny...dancing on ocean drive...nicole, we're going
w/ disappearing act...bizarre love trianglj
mami & 1 shopping in europe '92...sparkler lab...chemistry
disney world...Switzerland '93...1 climbed a mountain!'s try!
to kill me...dancing by myself...close-up '94...the little man ss
walk...planet hollywood guy ... cuban enbargo protest... brenda
kelly ... I don't like the falls, it feels like texas...toto, I don't thi
we're in kansas '94...that's sooo funny...merer
by the seinne 8e in the metro. ..laura, this is my 3rd ice-cream tod
...jen,laura,and our Sunday dinners...laura,myself,and a b ag
laundry in de la paix x2...that's so random...ana, j
have bad timing in telling me umbrella...a bobby pin
an electrical very...consultoria...digame?...ana,
never forgive you for setting me up with...gin rummy...alex *
shrink...johnny rockets/society billiards...m eghan...what's t
secret password?...mrs. guginheim...santa baby...cuba and 1
mexican elections...I think I'm a shopping adict...youth groupie wonderful...I'm sleeping...chancho va, chancho vien
novela and my mfirm' crisis' x*
cari, we have to leam how to swing...girls night oul
don't want to be sticky II...ali, they didn't let us in!...i'm deaf s
blind...days inn.Jucas gomez...dazed & confused...jr fir sr retres
please don't go...cris, you're a teeny bopper...monopoly...maaal
the elevator in utah...brown eyed girl...prom '94...ymca...everla
ing love...rosalie goes shopping...cari, our ballgowns...commtl
I'm y o u r lo n g e st frien d ... a .c .,c .c .,a .c .,a .r.,m .f.s .,m .i.
m.j.c.,y.v.,l.k.j.e,m.r.,k.h., l.v.ur the bestest friends!...chacha, u r
greatest friend...cookie monster, u've been my biggest<
at times u've been tough, but u've got a good heart...aba, u r
teddy bear...pups, u r my # 2 mom ... cari, it's been 12 yearsj
miss u...I adore all of you 6f thanks for all the love and suppoi|
won't forget it!!