Page 106 - Carrollton 1988
P. 106

Alexandra Sarzalejo
                                                                                October  12,  1969
                                                                                  Miami, Florida
                                                                      Friendship can sometimes turn to Love, but
                                                                      Love to Friendship, Never.
                                                                      A friend is a person with whom I may be sin­
                                                                      cere.  Before him, I may think aloud.
                                                                      You cannot love a thing without wanting to
                                                                      fight for it.
                                                                                            G.K. Chesteron
                                                                      Life is made up,
                                                                      not of great sacrifices and duties,
                                                                      but of little things,
                                                                      in which smiles and kindnesses,
                                                                      and small obligations,
                                                                      given habitually,
                                                                      are what win and preserve the heart
                                                                      and secure comfort
                                                                                          Sir Humphry Davy
   Alex ... Esther, Vickie, Alex ... 3 musketeers ... I thought we'd be friends forever
    ... Colombia... Nana, Juanca, Chonto, Liliana, Lina, Sergio... "HARAVA"... I LOVE
   YOU ... Summer of ;85, '86, '87 ... Spain ... Dia y Noche 5:30 am breakfast... NO
   GAS AGAIN!... my weekend home... YOUR turn to drive... Esther give me money
   ... my endless d ie t... Pat when are you going to ask Her out? ... MH#2 ... '87
   graduation party ... Mabel take care of me ... I DON'T walk into pools... In love
   with love ... I'm blue—  I want my BMW ... Blue Honda ... Anaite/best of friends
   ... Margarita, Esther, me lunch buddies... Yes Alex R. the windows are down ...
   You like him, but you don't know it y e t... Vickie and her men ... Esther will always
   love     .. .1Don't like him... Angela's... Italy, Pitita... Toti... Candy don't climb

   the window!... No smoking in the back ... ML 100's... Stefano's... Rusty Pelican
   ... I'm falling 10Omph ... I was wrong I do like him ... It won't last a month ... No
   hay mal que por bien no venga ... I'm not "going" with him ... the ring doesn't
   mean anything ... Our luck with cars.,. Please don't overheat... Esther watch
   the ditch ... Menendez ... 2 for the parking lot;  1 for the road ... Jean-Paul get
   your act together... Rod Stewart; Every beat of my heart... Z Girls... F.F. physical
   love ... Key Colony ... 3 am ... the fence ...  Mentirosa!  ... Prom '87 ... DON'T
   play with fire; you're gonna get burned ... Karsten ... donde hubo fuego; cenizas
   quedan... MRP lo t... Vickie silent, but deadly... Red BMW ... OPSSDWHLHBDPVC
   ... pit stops... cartoon capers... Close-Up '86 ... Monopoly/I need somebody/
   pointings hands... Pre-Reg traumas/ I'm not going: Yes I am ... He's not faithful
   ... time to grow up ... 916 weeks... NO! I'm not going to marry him ... Maybe:
   he should have tried harder... Oris' wedding... I was NOT asleep... We're gonna
   get snagged big time ... D'P Alley ... "I Love You" basket... I don't know who
   sent i t ... summer romances never last... K.B. Bank ... take the long way home
   ... wazup ... Hopeless Romantic ... Regine's...  Balconies... Dejame tranquila
   ... Paulina/objective advise... very close in loving him... white limos... Paul/my
   bodyguard... Europa... American Express... hablar de la vida... I live confused
   ... Mom, Abuela, tios, Paul Thanks ... I Love You ...
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