Page 96 - Carrollton 1988
P. 96

             MAY 27.  1970
            MIAMI. FLORIDA

    TRUE GEMINI... PRICKY ... ACCIDENTADA ... Where There's
    A Will There's A Way  ... MY BUGGY .. ,GU flight of escape   "My heart resembles the ocean; has storm and ebb, and
    ... Our P e t... I'm So Excited ... TakeAWalkOnTheWildSide   flow; and many a beautiful pearl lies hid in its depths be­
    ... MM & JC ... WHAM... Belen Summer C am p... Acapulco   low."
    Magic  ...  Feelin'  HotHotHot  ...  Best Bet:  2/1/86  ...  WOW                       -Heinrich Heine
    ... Bastille Day ... 20th Century Fox ... Delilah's tension  ...
    LC's & AM's Detective Agency ... Baby ... MiAdoradoTor-
    m ento... IggyTakeMeDancing ... SUMMER '8 5 ... CM's 9pm   "There are places I'll remember, all my life though some
    calls  ...  Psalm 62  .. .DALMPGCGLMLS Thanks  ...  ALotOrA-   have changed. Some forever not for better, some have
    Little?  ...  Gulliver  Games  ...  WaitingForMyRickshawRide   gone and some remain. Though I know I'll never lose af­
    .. .Diets  ...  SAT's  ...  WalkForeverByMySide  ...  DIENTES   fection, for people and things that went before. I know
    GRANDES ... Me, A FURT? ... ToAIITheGuysl'veLovedBefore   I'll often stop and think about them. In my life. I've loved
    ...  Grand Prix  ...  90%  Angel  ...  JK's Engagement Ring  ...   them all."
    MyMatchCollection ... LC Guess Who's Coming ... AM & SM                 -John Lenon and Paul McCartney
       Lab Partners... Aerobics... Biking to the Key... FOREVER
    YOUNG  ... Thanks MamiPapiAlexCristyAbuelo I Love You.  "If you have two loaves of bread
                                                           Give one to the poor,
                                                           Sell the other-
                                                           And buy hyacinths to feed your soul."
                                                                                           -Hindu Proverb

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