Page 29 - Carrollton 1976
P. 29

"You  know  you're  a  teacher  when                                          "Y ou  know  you're  a  teacher  when
     .  .  .  you  need  FIVE  cups  of coffee  in                                  .  .  .  students  becom e  as  excited
     the morning instead of two! !"                                                about learning as you are.''

         MS.  BARBARA FERNANDEZ,                                                            MS.  SANDY MAY,
                   Spanish                                                                     Physical Ed.

            MS.  SHARON EVANS,                                                            MRS.  MARGIE MEYERS,
                   French                                                                      Social Action

                                                   SR.  MARION MILLER,

                                                 MRS.  BENGI VEZIROGLU,

                                            "Y ou  know  you're  a  teach er  when
                                            .  .  .  the  papers  are  piled so  high you
                                            can't see over them. ”

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