Page 6 - Carrollton 1976
P. 6

Someone,  never mind who,  once said:  "N ever underestimate the
           power of words."

               If nothing  else,  that someone  had  great insight,  for it is an
           undeniable fa ct that when  all  else fails and  all  else  is forever gone

           and forgotten,  words  have the  uncanny power to  live on. All  great
           personages  in  history are  remembered  more  by what they  have said

           at a  given  moment than  by anything  else they  might have done,  or
           achieved. Thus  phrases  like,  "Four score and seven  years ago,"  have

          come to  represent eras  in  time as well  as  making the  men who
           uttered them  immortal.

              Even  as other things  pass  into oblivion,  words  never perish.  In this

           same spirit of immortality,  this yearbook's theme is  "In  O ur Own
          W ords."  It is our sincere  hope that this  past school  year does  not

          simply fade  into forgetfulness as a  new one  begins,  but that it
           instead  lives on  in  all  our memories for years to come,  and that the

           people who  made this such  a  fantastic year are  never forgotten.  So
           .  .  .  read  on  and  enjoy our very  human  try at immortality.
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