Page 125 - Carrollton 1993
P. 125

S P I R I T   W    E E K

             "W e've  g o t  spirit,  yes  we  do!
             W e 've   g o t  spirit;  How  'b o u t

             Throughout  the  week  of  O cto­
             ber  19  C arro llto n   g o t  the
             ch a nce   to  show  its  spirit.  The
             week  started  with  a  volleyball
             game and a checkers match on
             Monday.  The  gold  team   got  a
             head start by winning the volley­
             ball  gam e  and  the  checkers
             m a tc h   b u t  it  was  u n ab le   to
             maintain this lead.                    "We've  got spirit,  yes
                                                    we do! We Ve got spir­
             Tacky Tuesday followed, making         it; How 'bout you?"
             the  stage  for  w h a t  co u ld
             becom e a  new Carrollton tradi­
             tion:  the  selection  of  the  Tacky
             Queen.  Candidates were  grad­
             ed based on their tacky attires.

             The  crow ning  cerem ony  took
             p la ce   on  Thursday  where  the
             court and  queen  received their
             tiaras  and  crown  respectively.
             Carrollton doesn't have a  prom
             or  hom ecom ing  queen  but  it
             does  have  its  Tacky  Queen  of                                         Mrs. Gonzalez become the of
                                                                                       Carrollton's "tacky tourist Qu«  p
             1993,  Mrs.  Gonzalez.  The queen
             was  m o ve d   to   tears  by  the
             excitem ent  of  being  selected
             out  of  so  many  worthy  ca n di­

             In all. Spirit Week received much
             support by the students and fac­
             ulty.  It  h e lp e d   to  c re a te   the
             proper atmosphere for the high­
             light of the week: Field Day '93.

             Spirit Week
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