Page 80 - Carrollton 1993
P. 80

Natlie Medina
                                                                      May 28,  1975
                                                                      Pittsburgh, PA
                                                                      So often times it happens that we live our lives in
                                                                      chains, and we  never even  know we have the
                                                                      key.-The Eagles

                                                                      I  always knew that looking  back  on  us  crying
                                                                      would  make me laugh, but I never thought that
                                                                      looking back on us laughing would make me cry.

                                                                                 jfe fe J c J L

                                               Natalie...Nat...Nataflea...Keebler...Danny D. Willow...Yes,I'm really
                                               5' 1"...FIRST THEY TELL YOU...What's the deal?...8th pd. commando mis­

                                               sions...ccom scam... 1/26/90,AG8cCR,NM&MB...Mike,I'll always luv you...Luv
                                               traumas w/Andy D.8cNF (how can he be so nice?) Hey Carlos Guess
                                               What?lwent to the animal fair...11/19/92...Kneesurgery...Hop along...Sir
                                               Limpalot,..Peg-leg Pete...Tiny Tim...Cl: Working out at DH...Who'stheguy in
                                               the cap?What a fox!...LN,WB,R&M... I told you I'd go to grad...YOU CAN'T
                                               SLEEP ALONE IN A STRANGE PLACE...too many men so little time...Silvita
                                               /Chongita:Spring break/summer '91, what a blur!...stop putting notes on
                                               my door...THEN THEY TELL TOUYOU CAN'T...Jackson Five...get togethers at
                                               D.D's...AC,AB,PSM,RC,GS,MM,VB,JS,my big brothers...Gui, Idon't think
                                               everyone's cute!„,E.S:Bathroom and kitchen seances...Miller B—
                                               r...ES8cBL:Belen B.B. games...Standby Me...Cleptomania... WITH SOMEBODY
                                               ELSE...DD:Teach me Spanish...I'll always be your little cucaracha...Let's go
                                               spy...Denise, I really like him I swear!...MP:Que Viva Leon, Jddoi...synchro­
                                               nized dancing...NA: Hammer!...OR&EE,what a trauma...JV:SexyYessi...Car­
                                               buncles,Out!...MR: car any more)...Don King...AG:10 yrs.
                                               and counting... does your brother like my sister?.,,i'm a hick!...BL:Godfa-
                                               ther...You come into my house...Cruise '92...Chepecky, you got datsoull...
                                               ping pong...Hurricane w/ Pat...Venus&Afrodite...Late Night w/
                                               J.A.&N.F...Pepe Le Piu&Julius...freebee's at C.C...SOONER OR LATER YOU
                                               SLEEP IN YOUR OWN SPACE...Me and Julio.,.NO puedo.,,1 just got into the
                                               biggest fight w/ Pepe...Purple lip, black socks, blue robe L.Oh, these
                                               Ecuadorian men...Denise, where is she?? HE,he,he!(S&V)...Si,tengo-
                                               Carmex...GA:Buddah worshipper...When are we getting
                                               married?.,.AZ:Pain in my butt...Tao Sau...EITHER WAY ITS O.K...PS&DD:ILuvu
                                               tourette...Cortadito/versailles...ND:My little twin...What more can we have
                                               in common!...YOU WAKE UP WITH YOURSELF..,PC:12/19/92...Don't ever cut
                                               your hair...I miss you!...James Dean: My Obsession!...Enus,Stank&Slag 4-
                                               ever...Hey guys I'm all grown up.JLuvU mom&dad...Thanx Carrollton 4
                                               making me grow up!...This has been a most excellent adventure!

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