Page 127 - Carrollton 2007
P. 127

Laura Alfonso

                December 8,  1989

               Caracas,  Venezuela

        ...Robotics. Track, Cross Gauntry,  Lit  Mag,  1ETS,  retreats,..Cristina: Tliitnk you  for always being  there Jbr me. I couldn't have asked for a more amazing sister. MottB
        &  Papa - you It aw tatiglu  me to never settle for an ylltiny loss  than my test.  Tlumk  you  for all your support and encouragement. 1love you. Caro (Capitdn), Laurem

        (Llama),  and  lisa  (my  little sistei")  -  you're amazing.  Don't believe anyone wlto tells  you otherwise.  I  expect great  things from each of you.  Beaver/Lauren,  KarincM
         Jen, Ana,  l.oly,  Sofia.  Nicole, Christine,  Hannah, Lotte, Jenny: - here's  to all the movies,  “ghetties," sleepovers,  girls nights and days where we did nothing at all, the I
         phone calls, ims,  deep discussions, and random  lunch conversations  -  the “drama," arguments and chocolate after arguments, crushes, relationships, and everything in
                     between  -  the tears,  love, and laughter.  Here's  to the past four years and all  the memories  - for which  I am eternally  grateful

                          "Maybe who we are isn't so much about w hat we do,  but rather what we're capable of when we least expect it."
                                                      -M y Sister’s Keeper

                                    “And now abide faith,  hope,  love,  these  three; but  the greatest of these is love."
                                                      -1 Corinthians 13:11-1*5

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