Page 145 - Carrollton 2007
P. 145
Karina Granda
November i, 1988
Miami, Florida
“I stand upon my desk to remind myself
that we must constantly look at things in a
different way.” Dead Poets Society
Close-Up, Mean n’ Green, Lit Mag, SummerBridge, Chicken Teriyaki
Days, lunch in Mama’s room, Mrs. Turner’s Timer, poking Laura ... I
can't believe it’s been four years already!... Laura - pressing your Ac
cess IBM button, distracting you in Chemistry, sewing Lit Mags, end
less nights at Starbot - you have been there through everything I have
done in high school as my conscience and one of the best friends I have
ever had... Loly - my fellow conspirer - I will never forget the “Loly and
Karina Angels” on Consuegra’s board, the “Reminders” hanging
from the ceiling, and of course the genius mock permission slip. The
Revolution will continue when we come back to visit next year ... Jen - 1
December 15th next year, you bring the cake, I’ll bring the balloons.
Truj has no idea what’s coming. - Thank you for your loyalty and your
honesty; and by the way, I am already anticipating the late night college
phone calls... Ali, how are we going to get through college without each
other? I mean, who else will sympathize with my procrastination or write
essays with me the day they are due...To Mean n’ Green - I have
missed you guys so much! But, I’m in college now. No more teasing
me about having to be in school while you have lots of fun... To my
teachers - whether it was the Mexican War or an obsession with meta poetry
- through these years what I have learned in your classes has made me even
more passionate about the subjects I love... Gaby, my permanent tenant. I
am going to miss having you lying in the bed next to me next year. Watch"
ing “Everybody Love Raymond,” going to plays, reality TV nights, singing
“Rent” in the car - 1 am going to miss you so much. Your wit and your intel
ligence make me laugh and inspire me, and I can’t wait until we are living
together again in “the promised land” ... Danny and Sofi - you have been
like a little brother and sister to me. Our trips to Virginia, Tennessee, and
even Disney have been a blast. I’m going to miss seeing you all the time...
Mom - marshmallow beds, going to the grocery store, telling you about
my day at school, singing “Landslide” in the car - it is those little moments
that I am going to miss the most. (Don’t cry yet. I know you’re crying.) But
don't worry, “I’m in college” - there’s plenty of vacation time... Dad - “What
did you have for lunch today?” - 1think you’ve asked that every day since I
started school. You have to call every day to ask. By the way, we need to
find a way to direct my phone calls so that you can ask my friends for their
i.d. I am going to miss those moments so much.. .1 am so excited to go to
Chicago.. .or New York, or San Francisco, or Boston.. .by the time you all
are reading this you can circle the city where I am. Still, I am going to miss
you all very much. You have all impacted and inspired me. I don’t know what
else to say except, I love you. =) Karina
“We have every right to dream heroic dreams.”
Ronald Reagan