Page 15 - Carrollton 2007
P. 15

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    by Sara Arazoza  'oS

    When asked."What  is Carrollton  to you?" a student once replied, "It is
    a place of community and sisterhood." Two of Carrollton's greatest assets
    are its sense of community and active faith.  It is  through  the masses at
    Carrollton  that  these two great gualilies are truly exhibited.  Mass is a  time
    when students, faculty,  administrators,  parents,  and even alumnae come
    together as one.  to worship the Lord and through our prayer together, we
    leave each mass with a new lesson and a  renewed sense of harmony.

                               R i(jht: Father Kane says Mass honoring
                               Saint Rose Philippine under the Duschesne
                               Campus Oal; Tree.
   Below Senior Karina Garcia, seventh
   graders Gabrtella Muspons and Peanut   Below.  Students gather together in prayer at
   Alvarez-Mena serve as alter servers during   St. Huqh.
   the Mass of Saint  Philippine Duschesne

                               A hove  Intermediate students celebrate the
                               mass of Saint  Rose  Philippine Duchesne.

                               Mighn Prances Scvtlla-Sacassa,  Father
                               Vallre, and losie Aguila exit  the tliioch after
                               celebrating the A ll Saints Day Mass at St.
                               Flay It ('hutch

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