Page 157 - Carrollton 2007
P. 157

Experience  is  a  hard                                                           W e  make  a  living

         teacher.  She gives                                                               by  what  we  get;

          the  test first,  the                                                          we  make  a  life  by
         lesson  afterwards.                                                                what  we  give.

        -Vernon  Sanders Law                                                               - Winston Churchill

                                    M arissa M ignone

                                             August  4,1989

                                   Greensboro,  North  Carolina

           Laughing  is the
                                                                                          Family  isn't  about
         sensation of feeling
                                                                                           whose  blood you
          good all over, and
                                                                                         have;  it's  about  who
       showing  it principally
                                                                                            you  care  about.
             in  one spot.
                                                                                               -  South  Park
        ^   -  Josh  Billings
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