Page 2 - Carrollton 2007
P. 2

Yggdrasill  is  a  giant  ash  tree  in  Norse
                                                                     mythology,  said  to  support  the  world  and  the
                                                                     universe, and said to be  the creator of humankind.
                                                                     A t the base ofYggdrasill's great trunk lie the wells
                                                                     of Wisdom and Fate.  Yggdrasill stands as a symbol
                                                                     of strength and stability.
                                                                        Carrollton  School of the Sacred Heart creates
                                                                     women  of strength  —  women  with  confidence  in
                                                                     themselves  and  conviction  in  their  beliefts.  Like
                                                                     Yggdrasill,  Carrollton  graduates  draw from  the
                                                                     wells ofWisdon and Fate to help shape their own
                                                                     destinies and lead their lives in accordance with the
                                                                     Five Goals of a Sacred Heart Education.
                                                                        The 2 00 6 -20 0 7  school year was filled with
                                                                     many  extraordinary  events.  Carrollton  celebrated
                                                                     its 45th Anniversary and the Science-Technology
                                                                     H a ll and the Founders Library opened to the delight
                                                                     of all.  There were also  the  traditional events such
                                                                     as Conge, Field Days and our community Masses.
                                                                     W ith so many memories to capture in one book, we
                                                                     did our best  to feature  the highlights. The 2 00 6 -
                                                                     2007 edition of Yggdrasill presents 'Cameo,'
                                                                     a cameo of this wonderful year.

                                                                               Pencil watercolor  by A zul  Diez  'it
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