Page 279 - Carrollton 2007
P. 279

Kati  Viilavicencio

                   Since  before  you  were  born,  you  have  walked  to  the  beat  o f  a  d iffe re n t  drummer;  fo r  s ta rters  you  were  a
                   breach  b irth.  A t  four  months  you  climbed  out  o f  your  crib  and  crawled  into  Jenni's  bed  ju s t  to   be  near  her;
                   you  sat  on  the  side  o f  a  baby  shampoo  bottle  ju s t  to  watch  it  spill  out  onto  th e   floor  and  you  poured  th e  dry
                   dog  food  upside  down,  watched  it  go  everywhere  and  then  tried   to  get  Brandi  to  e a t  it  all!  You  are  very
                   artistic  and  have  always  seen  colors,  form s  and  designs  in  everyday  things  th a t  others  never  notice.  You
                   hike.  swim.  camp.  row.  fish,  climb,  pedal,  double-down,  snorkel,  scuba  dive,  sketch,  volunteer  and  much,
                   much  more.  But  what  you  do  best  is  LOVE.  You  love  animals,  th e  underdog,  older  people,  classic  movies,
                   maduros,  straw berry  ice  cream ,  Starbucks,  your  cell  phone,  instant  messaging.  Mini  Coopers,  SLEEP  and
                   SOCKS.  You  [ike  some  little   kids  and  some  adults...

                   God  planned  your  b irth   on  Valentine's  Day  fo r  a  special  reason:  because  you  have  a  big  h eart.  You  protect  it
                   carefully,  and  so  you  should;  a  h e art  like  yours  is  rare  and  precious.  You  have  the  ab ility  to   love  big,  which
                   is  a  ra re   quality.  You  are  a  unique  person  and  will  succeed  a t  whatever  you  choose  to   do  in  life .  As  you
                   venture  out  into  a  new  chapter  o f  your  life ,  rem em ber  we  are  by  your  side  and  will  love  you  as  much  as

                   Love.  Mommy.  Papi,  Jen  and  Meemee

                                              Congratulations,  Kati!

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            Best o f I                    iato tfie graduating class of


             "Challenges are wfiat make life interesting; overcoming tfiem is wfiat makes life

                                                    -loskm 1, Marine

                                               Richard  C.  M ariani,  Jr.  D .D .S .,  M .S .

                                                         7 7 4 1   Southw est  62nd  Avenue

                                                           South  Miami,  Florida  3 3 1 4 3

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