Page 58 - Carrollton 2007
P. 58
"By coming to a School of the Sacred essential part of life at the Sacred their own, and to identify any actions
Heart, you have become part of a Heart. W ith the help of sophomore in their lives that separate them from
family. Accept with gratitude all those volunteer leaders, the fifth graders their community and from God's love.
in your school community. From them explored the process of moral "In faith you will recognize God in
and with them, you can learn what decision making that leads to making your life — in your joys, your sorrows,
love is." (Life at the Sacred Heart - wise choices. Through speeches, group your struggles, your decisions and your
1985) During an afternoon of prayer, discussions, journaling and prayer, the choices."
comunity building and reflection, "On students were encouraged to recognize (Life at the Sacred Heart)
the Path to Peace and Friendship," the their real selves, to accept one another's
fifth grade students experienced an strengths and weaknesses as well as