Page 89 - Carrollton 2007
P. 89

Welcome Fresfimen Wee6


                   Ropes Course

      by Victoria  Enjamio '10

      September  nth  to  the 15th was  Hollywood W eek for  the freshmen and
      juniors with each  freshman  being paired up with a  junior  "big sister."
      The  "big sisters 'played managers for  the “up and coming actresses’’ -   the

      freshmen. Throughout  the week,  the freshmen and juniors participated in
      a variety of bonding activities.  The entire high school enjoyed the week's
     activities, especially the colorful costumes  the freshmen wore everyday.

     Top right-. Tli?  Teletute. Sofia de
     Goytisolo, Natalie Diaz, Katrina
     Sflnrfeltma, and Andrea  Barcia. gather with
     thro big sisters,  Kathy Wolfithal,
     Sara  Artrajza. and Sofia del Rivero.

     Above]  Emiliana Smith and her big sister
     Junior Beatriz Sagarduy smile for the
     camera]  Above right: Freshmen Carolina
     Hernandez and Emily W iIde strike a super
     pose with their big sister Catalina Santos;
     Above far right: Jessica Milton and Jamila

                                 Riijht  Chelsea Wood holds on for dear life while trying to make it to the other end. Above:
                                 Alex Guerra, Catalina Teratt,  Dani Cimo Analiria Santnell? and Teresita L?do

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