Page 125 - Carrollton 1977
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Annie-Rivas Vasquez, representing Carrollton School
in a news-writing contest at FIU on Oct. 23,received
third place in the Senior High Division, reporting on
the key address given by Joe Abrell,Director of Public
Affairs, VTTVJ, Channel 4.
The event was South Florida's Journalism Day, spon
sored by the Greater Miami Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi
and the Mass Communications Club of FIU. Seminars on
various aspects of journalism, with specific reference
to student publications were presented by local journa
lists from the Miami Herald, Miami News, some county
newspapers, Channels 4, 7, and lo, some free lance
writers, and others in the publication field.
After the opening session, in which Joe Abrell dis
cussed "Making It in Journalism," student representa
tives from all schools participating were given time
to write a news story on this keynote address. These
news stories were then judged by members from the
sponsoring groups and other journalists. Carrollton
is proud of Annie Rivas' accomplishments in the field
of school journalism and the staff is proud to have
her as the current editor.
Others attending the workshop were Carmen Diaz-
Padron, Josie deGoytisolo, and two members from the
Ygdrassil staff, Lourdes Fernandez and Kim Clayton.
Headmistress’ Hour____ Erika Cizek
Monday, November 8 during A fter explaining the goals Julie Dacy
slid in g period, S ister Baxter S ister Baxter spoke of the de Carmen Diaz Padron
addressed the entire student velopment of Carrollton over Ginny Dooley
body in what has become known the years and brought back Kim Douglass
as "Headmistress'’ Hour", many memories for some of the Josie de Goyhsolo
S ister Baxter began her ad students. S ister Baxter a lso Regina Keane
dress by statin g and then ex mentioned that on Thursday, No Miriam Lopez
plaining the fiv e main goals vember 18, at 7*30 p.m. there Belen Moreno
of Sacred Heart Schools, name would be a Mass held celebra Annie Rivas-Vasquez
ly* "Faith which is relevant tin g C arrollton's 15 years of Lisette Roiz
in a secularized world? a deep existence and the profession Sally Ross
respect for in tellectu a l val of fin a l vows of Sr. Menendez. Marie Santamarina
ues? a social awareness which S iste r Baxter encouraged a ll Debbie Snyder
impels to action? the build to come to_the celebration. Maria Teresa Valle
ing of community as a Chris From the apparent attitu d e of Mrs. Wittenberg, Advisor.
tian value? and personal the students, the attendance
growth in an atmosphere of should be good. As one stu
wise freddom." These goals dent put i t , "I wouldn't trade
are what makes Carrollton a going to Carrollton for any
unique school in Miami. thing e lse . Annie Rivas