Page 211 - Carrollton 1977
P. 211


                 Dr.  and Mrs.  Edward B.  Annis               Mr.  and MrsT  Cecilio F.  Gonzalez
                (Mr.  and Mrs.  James B.  AlVord               Mr.  and Mrs.  Eduardo Gonzalez
                 Mr.  and Mrs.  Fulgencio Batista              Green's Pool Service
                Mr .  and Mrs .^Humberto Bertello              Mr.,and Mrs.  Raul Gutierrez Jr.
                Louis S.  Blanco,  Inc.  Realtors              I.  and P.  Plumbing
                Cousins Associates Inc.                        Jet Affto Parts
                Mr.  ahdMrs.  James § .  Dougherty             Mr.  and Mrs.  Lawrence J.  Mulligan
                Nte.} D^yid.Edmund                             Dr.  and Mrs.  Thomas Noto Jr.
                Dr.  and Mrs. JCarl E.; Fabian                 Mr.  and Mrs.  Bruce N,  ReinertSon
                Mr.  and Mrs.  Ralph A.  Federici              Mr.  and Mrs.  David E.  Richards
                Mr.  and.Mrs.  Jack Fernandes  .               Mr.  and Mrs.  John N.  Scopetta
                Dr.  and Mrs.  Julio M.  Garcia                Seal-Tite Plastic Packaging C o . ,  Inc
                Mrs.  Rafael S.  Garcia-Nayarro     |          Dr.  and Mrs.  Osvaldo D.  Valdes
                Dr.  and Mrs. ’Luis P .  Gamgo  .              Dr.  and Mrs.  RogerX.  Walker

                                                             rcMe images of dreams and the images of menciory have a
                                                             SQUiid l  With movies we became aware that images have
                                                             n|u|ic.  Something happens with music that is much older and
                                                             JftiBre intimate.  When it really touches you< you can create
                                                             ffioiMkaam images and dream things you never knew you could
                                                             weampMusic is like a forest,  it has boundaries but we do not
                                                             lurow them.

                                                             Thanks to all our friends,  the true ones,  the forever ones.
                                                                                                         Gato Barbieri
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