Page 175 - Carrollton 1983
P. 175

                                                                  Caroline!  I  had
                                                                  my  doubts,  but
                                                                  I'm  glad  you
                                                                  made  it!
                                                                    Love,  your
                                                                  little  sister.
                     distincU\je4&welry desjz                         Lulu
                     by elias eduardo jabech  "

                          by appointment only

             To Claire, Caroline, and Varsenik:  I have been
             blessed  to  have  a  friendship  like  ours.  You
             have  seen  me  at  my  worst  and  best;  you’ve
             held  me  when  I  was  in  despair  andl laughed
             with me when I was happy. Our friendship has
             truly  been  blessed  by  God  because  it  is  un­
             conditional.  I  love you  and  shall  always trea­
             sure  the  word  friend  .  . .  because  of  you.
                                                                       Mom  and  Dad,
                                                                       From  the  beginning  you  filled  my  life  with
                                                                       joy  and  laughter.  Thank  you  so  much.
                                                                                                        I  love  you,

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