Page 111 - Carrollton 2006
P. 111
Kristina Adler
May 20,1988
Miami, Florida
“Love is not love/ Which alters when it alteration finds.
-William Shakespeare
Cristina: twins..pathfinder..canoes..chi..evil baby
kiki..ur 83 and im 5..princess..b**** song..sball..boba
and tonta.Jion hair in close up..i love you and im not
worried that we will be apart for college..Kristen:
wendys frosties at 2 in the morning..tickle rape..cayman
islands..California..marco..u corrupting me..our
little girls talks kixen..sball..see u at UM! Kat: kittie! guyz in gville..crazy vacations..u were
meant 2 be in our class..freshman..Spanish music..boy
advice..miss u kittie! Rudy: cane/gator fights..female
drivers..ur blushing..ur
school hs sweetheart..thanks for the
comic relief and always looking out for me..Mom
and Dad: you’re the most supportive parents in the
world..thanks for all the time and efforts you put
forth in my successful time in carrollton, for always
being at my games, for choosing carrollton in the 1st
place..i promise I will become a great psychologist
Fefi: grammar lessons..nose from walgreens..belen
ppl r crazy..what r the sacred heart goals again?
Thanks for always thinking im smart and believing in
me..Carrollton: well carrollton, it’s been a great 14
years..i quite literally don’t remember life before you!
Thank you for helping me become the individual that I
am and aspire to be..ill never forget you!
“To whom much is given, much is expected.”
-Luke 12:48
110 Kristina Adler