Page 155 - Carrollton 2006
P. 155

Alexandra Marie Moriarty Teran

                                                    May 10,1988

                                              Key Biscayne,  Florida

              "Don't worry

                about the                                                                      “There is such

           future; or worry,                                                                    thing as fate,

             but know that                                                                   but fate can only

             worrying is as                                                                   take you so far,

               effective as                                                                     because once

          trying to solve an                                                                  you’re there, its

           algebra equation                                                                 up to you to mak(
               by chewing                                                                         it happen.”

             bubble gum.”
                                                                                               -- Can’t Hardly

             -  Baz Luhrman                                                                           Wait

                              “Excuse me while I  kiss the sky.”  -  Jimi Hendrix
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