Page 170 - Carrollton 2006
P. 170

Elizabeth Turner

                                                 April 30,1988
                                                 Miami, Florida

                                           “It’s a dangerous business going out your dorr.  You step onto the
                                           road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you
                                           might be swept off to.”  - Bilbo (Lord of the Rings)

   /lost of our life is a series of images,
   ley pass us by like towns on the high­
                                                                       “Never doubt that a small group of
   ly.  But sometimes, a moment stuns
                                                                       thoughtful, committed citizens can
   ; as it happens, and we know that this
   stant is more than a fleeting image.  We                            change the world; indeed, it’s the only
   io w  that this moment, every part of it,                           thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
   II live on forever.” - One Tree Hill

                                        i fall asleep with my friends
                                        around me
                                        only place i know, i feel safe
                                        im gonna call this home

                                        “The World you love” by
                                        Jimmy Eat World

                                                                          Elizabeth Turner
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