Page 209 - Carrollton 2006
P. 209
Above: Senior
get the crowd
excited with a
dance. The
caterers cook
and grilled
Natalie Meruelo
stands with
members o f her
group. High
school teacher
Mr. Lee plays
a fairy in the
Conge skit.
On February 28, the senior class surprised the school by announc
ing that it was CONGE! Girls o f all ages grouped together to play games,
eat tasty treats, and have fun with their friends. To begin the amazing fun
filled day, a skit introduced a theme o f jobs! The entire school population
was assigned such professional occupations as firefighters, rock stars, paint
ers, and even dolphin trainers! The Montessori girls had baby conge, where!
they finger painted and played tons o f games. Thank you seniors for a great