Page 228 - Carrollton 2006
P. 228
Special thanks and
appreciation to all the
TEACHERS who: cared for,
■ I counseled, disciplined,
INGRID LUHN edified, educated, encour
aged, evaluated, inspired, in
Custom Oil Portraits structed, nudged, prayed for,
painted exclusively for you
supported, taught, watched
from a photograph or a live seating
out for, and LOVED Kristy
hildren’s portraits are painted from a photograph
Adler along the way.
(305) 361-5820 e-mail
With Much Gratitude,
her aunt,
Josefina Chirino, D. Min.
Sffie (^amacA& ($reu/>
T^te Florida Catholic
of the
class of 2.006 T S /riottna SMaiy M e
and all w ty o w r i.
the students at
ColdweU Banker Real Estate
1500 San Remo
Carrollton Softool Suite 110
Coral Gables, FI. 33146
Direct Contact: (305) 215-1552
of the Sacred Heart Email: macsellsmiami@aol..coin
Website: maryann.flanigancamacho
c o L o u ie u .
B A M tie ita
R um rvrui Rr*i 1:<TATT, Inc.
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