Page 263 - Carrollton 2006
P. 263

TO  BE   O R   N O T   TO  BE.
                                                T H A T   IS  T H E   Q U E S T I O N ! !!!!!
                                                     Shakespeare  w rote!!!!
                                              Well,  we  think  that  you  have  chosen
                                              TO   BE.  You  have  shown  us  that  you
                                                have  the  “right  stuff”  so  to  speak
                                                   and  we  thank  God  for  that.

                                              When  you  were  smaller,  there was  a
                                                Father/Daughter  Breakfast  where
                                               you  guys  sang  a  very  moving  song.
                                              We  don’t  know  the  title  but  the  main
                                              words  were  “  T H E  W I N D   BENEATH
                                                O U R  W I N G S .”  Well  we  certainly
                                                hope  that  we  were  indeed  such  a
                                               powerful  force  that  helped  you  get
                                                     to  where  you  are  today.

                                               As  you  go  on  to  college  and  move
                                              away  from  home,  you  know  that  you
                                               can  always  continue  to  count  on  us
                                                if not  as  the  “wind  beneath  your
                                               wings"  but  perhaps  as  the  sun  that
                                                is  always  there,  wether  in  bright,
                                                 sunshiny  skies  or  in  rainy  days.

                                                We  are  indeed  very  proud  o f  you
                                               and  prav  that  you  will  achieve  even
                                              more  successes  throughout  your  life
                                               and  thus,  be  able  to  bring  out  the
                                                       best  in  others  too.

                                                May  God  bless  you  and  keep  you
                                               guided  well  for  the  rest  of your  life!
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