Page 80 - Carrollton 2006
P. 80

Right: Carolina Arguellts posesT
                  with her two little listers, Natalie
                  Oseclie-arid Sianca Sarrionucvo.

    Freshmen           experience
  heir  official  initiation  Into

  he   High      S c h o o l'  during
  Welcome                Freshm en
 |/eek     when      juniors      are
 psigned freshmen as their little
 isters.    Big  sisters  dressed

 heir  little  sisters  according
  d  the  them e  “A round  the
 ro rld .”  Welcome  Freshmen

  ^eek was a great opportunity
 br  the  juniors  and  freshmen
  )  get  to  know  each  other,
  id  between the costumes and

 Itivities,  it was  a  lot  o f fun!

                         n  n
                         I B W

                         with  her Little  Sister,  Lydia
                                                                Welcome Freshmen Week
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