Page 134 - Carrollton 2016
P. 134

W ettiam- W ebstet  s definition o f  illuminate is,  brightened with light and intellectually M
       spiritually enlightened.

       S h e   Bible is out  best \esou\ce with many telated passages.  J o h n   writes,  Q od is light and in
       him thete is no datkness at all.  (l Jo h n  1:5)

       S o   to be  illuminated  is to know (god as out guide taking us into  the  light.

       J n  Sphesians 5:8  it is written,  J o t  you wete once datkness,  but now you ate light in the
       Jlold.  dove as childten o f  light.

       Watthew ojfets us this pelspective,   'Sou ate the light o f  the wotld.  M  town built on a kill
       cannot be hidden.  Yleithet do people light a lamp and put it undet a bowl.  Jnstead they put
       it on its stand,  and it gives light to evetyone in the house.  Jin the same  way,  let yout light
       shine befiote othets,  that they may see yout good deeds and glorify gout J a th e t  in  heaven.
       (YUatthew 5: 14--w)

       M e  guides us thtough the datkness so  we  can gtow to be out brightest.  Svety loving action we
       take inspires othets in kind.  Jh tou gh  that we can help make the wotld a bettel place fo t a ll o f
       Q od s childten.

       liliM o u tih  an
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