Page 166 - Carrollton 2016
P. 166

The people o f the Saint John Bosco Leadership Learning Center unite to help
       the lives o f children in pur community through education, in volunteering there, I
       became a ware o f the great work they do and thought I could give back by painting
       a mural for the school. I wanted a design which would capture the essence o f Saint
       John Bosco and I felt that the quote from the Bahai writing effectively did so. We
       filled the sun with small designs, which mirror the concept o f unity - small things
       coming together to make something greater.
       Being able to serve my community by painting this mural, to bring joy to the
       children and administrators at St. John Bosco, and to work beside the members
       of my own Carrollton community during the project has been such an incredible
       experience. I am so thankful for everyone who helped bring this mural to life,
       especially Ms. Lazarus and Ms. De Armas, as well as Ceci Rodriguez and Meagan
       Carpintero who worked on the project every day with me.
       Gabriel a '17
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