Page 31 - Carrollton 1999
P. 31


                                                \ c a d - t Y     Y  \   \   o s

                At  a very young  age  the          First,  second,  and  third
             concept of working together  grade make up  Carrolltons’
            with  others is implemented  primary  school.  It  is  here
             in the lives of the young stu­      that they are taught to grow
            dents  at  Carrollton.  The  and  develop  as individuals.
            Montessori  and  primary  At this stage the girls at Car­
            girls  learn  in  an  environ­ rollton are able to first expe­
            ment  that  is  perfect  for  rience  the  Sacrament  of
            expressing  individual  tal­         Reconciliation        and     the
            ents,  and  where  each  stu­        Sacrament  of  their  First
            dent learns at her own pace  Communion.  With  these
            free of competition.  Carroll­ gifts  the  students  begin  to
            ton  using  the  five  goals  as  understand  how their  lives
            its guide begins forming the  are enriched by the life and
            girls into well rounded indi­        teachings of Jesus.
            viduals at a very young age.            Through  all  the  classes
               In  Montessori,  students  and  experiences
            are taught Language, Math,  that  Carrollton
            Science,  and  Geography.  It  offers  in  its  Pri­
            is at this point that students  mary school,  the
            build  the  foundation  for  girls  leave  to  the
            their  future  experiences  at  I n t e r m e d i a t e          K ia risg
            Carrollton.                          feeling  confident
               With the new intellectual  and  prepared  to
            foundations  come  spiritual  face  the  chal­
            foundations  as  well.  The  lenges  that  lie
            children  have  daily  prayer,  ahead.
            and  gain  spiritual  growth
            through their religion class­

                     Right: Laura                                            * —-4
                Rodriguez, Kinder­
             garten student, sings
            along with other class­
             mates in front of their
               proud parents. Top
            Right: Second graders,
            Julianne Basley, Aziza
            Souidi, Lauren Correa,
               and Desiree Reina-
            Ortiz, pose gladly with
                a picture of Mater.
             Upper Right: Primary
               girls sit around' in a
             circle while dressed in
            pink dresses, honoring
                the feast of Mater.
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