Page 45 - Carrollton 1999
P. 45
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Academic strength is engraved their curriculum and their reli
in Carrollton School girls from an gion class is one of their favorites.
early age. The girls in the fourth, They have become mini experts
fifth, and sixth grade enjoy a vari on the seven sacraments. World
ety of subjects which prepare History is also another favorite
them for the rest of their years at subject, because they get to leam
Carrollton. Classes at Carrollton about World War I, World War II,
are enriching and create a well- and The Cold War. Also, because
rounded intellectual mind which of the fifth grade opera, they all
will be well formed by the time she agree that they have a bond of
has to go out into the real world. teamwork.
The fourth graders in Carroll Sixth graders are very excited
ton are enlightened by their sub to be the “seniors” of the interme
jects which range from science, diate. They have mastered the art
math, religion and history, of grammar with Sr. Copeland’s
expand their knowledge every English class, and have broad
day. The grammar and word ened their horizons in science
usage lessons taught by their especially by experiencing the
English classes will surely help Everglades first hand.
them out in the future. American As the girls get older, they leam
History is another topic which more and more and become more
Carrollton fourth graders are well well educated women of the
informed about. In science class Sacred Heart. Every day is a new Top Left: Ms. Wades’ fourth grade:
they study from light and sound, adventure with many new things enjoy learning about history.
Top Right: Fourth grader. Ail
to discovering parts of the ocean. to leam!
Louisa Navarro Linn, solves her di
They are also mini experts on the
ficult math problems.
Stations of the Cross. Middle: A fourth grader cleans tlj
<r& board in Sr. Betty’s math class. |
The fifth graders really enjoy
Above: Mrs. Panzer’s sixth grade!
pause for a moment during prayei