Page 55 - Carrollton 1999
P. 55
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Many girls say the best years at Car Ms. Rosales-Becker, the religion teacher
rollton are spent in the Junior High in the junior high states, “Junior High is
School, and this year's Junior High Stu a time of growth and changes. The girls
dents certainly proved that. As a sev learn more about themselves and the
enth grader you enter into a whole new people around them. They begin to
world. For one, the seventh graders interact with others and develop their
move into the beautiful Duchesne cam character.” This growth in character is
pus where the traditional coral building certainly fostered in the yearly retreat
is all for the seventh and the eighth which helps to strengthen that faith in
grades. The seventh graders take on a God. This faith impels the girls to action
whole new responsibility when they when they go out into the community
enter the junior high. They are grown up and serve, fulfilling service hours.
now and they must study hard to meet Socially, Junior High Students begin
the expectations of their teachers. But if meeting students from other area
they do well, they are now eligible with schools and they host a dance in the
to enter into the Junior National Honor middle of the year where they can gath
Society. Academic subjects including er with their new found friends. Along
Science and Math challenge the girls to with this the girls also train for various
think critically preparing them well for sports where they compete against
the years to come in the High School. other schools. The girls also have vari
They explore with animals in the bay ous opportunities to also explore the
and they even get to dissect frogs. As for world around them. As seventh graders
the eighth graders, they prepare hard they attend Sea Camp
for High School while bonding with their and as Eighth Graders
class. They enjoy their last year on the they take a class trip at
beautiful campus where they fully take the end of the year.
advantage of the view of the bay from Junior High is certainly
the classroom windows. In their classes, a time that will remain
they begin focusing on critical thinking in the minds of these
and writing skills. They perfect the tech girls. Their smiles, spirit,
niques picked up in seventh grade and and friendships will
make them useful to what they are drive them into estab
learning now. For example, in one day lishing success for
an eight grade Carrollton student might themselves when they
have an essay due in English and a dic arrive in the High
tation in Spanish or French. Besides the School. Eighth grader
studying and hard work that takes Silvia Larrieu adds by
place, Carrollton junior students have saying, “Junior High is
tons of fun. From the drama production one of the best times
of “A Little Mermaid” to the Junior High that I have had in my
Spirit Week, the girls show once again years at Carrollton. I
that they truly are on top of the world. can’t wait to see what
They begin to grow in an environment of the High School has
wise choices and freedom, fulfilling the waiting for me next
fifth goal of the Sacred Heart Schools. year.”
Top Right: Eighth
grader Megan Foster
leaves class to pick up
the book she forgot.
Far Right: Seventh
grader Nicole Joy
looks carefully at her
science project regis
tration form to make
sure she has not for
gotten to write down
any important facts.
Right: As she works
vigorously to finish her
homework, eighth
grader Brittany Sharp-
ton seems to be
focused on what she is