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               When  one  hears  the  name  Carrollton  School  of  the   D.C. for a week and leam more about the history and pre­
              Sacred Heart, he/she automatically knows that  an excel­  sent  events  of  the  United  States.  According  to  senior
              lent educational experience awaits all of the students. So   Rebecca O’Neill, “History is an interesting subject because
              anyone can imagine what type of a superb program exists   we get the opportunity to leam about the past's mistakes
              within the High School, the last four years before college.   so that in the future they are not repeated."
              Actually,  the Carrollton  High  School  academics  program   One  of the  most  demanding departments  of the  High
              consists of eight different departments: English,  Fine and   School  is  Mathematics.  However  with  the  help  of  the
              Performing Arts, Foreign Language. History. Mathematics,   teachers,  the  students  no  longer  see  it as  such  a  chal­
              Physical  Education.  Religion,  and Science.  Each Carroll­  lenging obstacle to tackle.  Some of the math classes are
              ton  student  must  accumulate  twenty-eight  credits  in   Algebra  I.  Trigonometry,  and  Calculus.  The  teachers  in
              order to attain her high school diploma. All these depart­  this  department  try  to  teach  the  importance of logic,  a
              ments will eventually help the students grow into women   concept  that is directly related  to all types of math. They
              of knowledge and understanding as they step out into the   also work hard to make sure the students can master this
              unexpected  world  where  college  lies  ahead  of  them.   concept so that everything else will seem easy to accom­
              According  to Junior Anisha  Arouza,  ‘The  academic  pro­  plish.  Mu Alpha Theta is a club that deals with the prac­
              gram here at the High School allows any student to pick   tice of math. The members of this club involve themselves
              her own classes so that she may work to her fullest poten­  in  math  competitions  and  activities  like  “Pi  Week."
              tial and at the same time challenge herself."  Although math may seem like a boring and difficult sub­
               In Carrollton, there is an expectation at the High School   ject. the faculty and students find ways to make it fun and
              for students to express themselves well through their writ­  worthwhile.
              ing as well as to comprehend  various  thought-provoking   Carrollton emphasizes that having a healthy body leads
              works  of  literature.  There  are  many  classes  such  as   to a healthy mind. The administration feels that it is nec­
              British  Literature. Women's Literature and  United States   essary for the students to be educated about their bodies
              Literature that bring out the creativity of each student and   so  that  they  can  develop  and  become  well-rounded.
              give them a sense of freedom when writing. Carrollton stu­  Healthy  lunches  full  of pasta  and  fruits  is  one  way  the
              dents are required to take four years of English so that by   High School goes about fulfilling this task. Also, the stu­
              the time they leave each one will have developed the skills   dents  are  required  to  take  one  credit  of physical  educa­
              to become a present day Shakespeare.  tion.  Sophomore  Annie  Schneider  enjoyed  her  Personal
               Another  department  that  encourages  the  creativity  of   Fitness class because she felt it was a very beneficial class
              students  is  the  Fine  and  Performing  Arts  Department.   where she learned so much about taking care of her body
              Certain  classes  that  fall  under  this  category  are  Dance.   as  well  as  the  benefits  of exercising  and  the  hazards  of
              Debate.  Drama.  Photography.  Speech.  Studio  Art.  and   dieting.
             Voice  Ensemble. This department  appeals  to all  the stu­  Religion is a very important part of the High School aca­
             dents who enjoy expressing themselves through the arts.   demic program. The students are taught about the histo­
              Photography  and  Studio  Art  classes  are  for  those  who   ry of the church. Scripture, the church’s view on morality,
             enjoy  working  with  visual  images.  Dance.  Drama,  and   and social justice. The students are also encouraged to go
             Voice Ensemble classes cater to those who express them­  out into their community and help those who are less for­
             selves  physically.  Debate  and  Speech  classes  teach  stu­  tunate and in need. There is a satisfaction that each stu­
             dents  how  to  express  their  opinions  in  a  well-organized   dent receives once being a part of someone’s life and par­
             and  knowledgeable  manner.  Freshman  Janine  Mahan   ticipating in these service opportunities. This department
             believes that debate has given her a new intellectual per­  allows  the  students  to  leam  more  about  what  Sacred
             spective  on  many  topics  such  as  current  events  and   Heart education is really all about.
             taught her how to accumulate her thoughts at a fast pace.   One  of the strongest departments in  Carrollton is  the
             Events that are also involved with this department are the   Science  Department.  With  the teachers'  unique  teaching
             Spring Production and the Masquerade Ball.  styles,  the  students  leam  about  nature,  molecules,
               The Foreign Language Department consists of two lan­  momentum,  the way a body functions,  and  much more.
             guages:  French  and  Spanish.  This  allows  students  to   The classes  offered are  Physical Science.  Biology,  Chem­
             become more knowledgeable of other cultures by learning   istry. Physics. Anatomy, and Earth Systems Analysis. The
             the languages, studying the way people live in these coun­  students can Join the Science Club if their interest exceeds
             tries.  reading  their  literature,  and  much  more.  Some   what the courses offer. "1 will never forget the cereal lab in
             events dealing with this department are French films held   Biology class where we were able to see what really is in
             during lunch and  assemblies dealing with  Hispanic  Her­  our  favorite  breakfast  food."  commented  junior  Samar
             itage  Month.  Not  only  does  Carrollton  deal  with  acade­  Uthman. The teachers make the course easier and enjoy­
             mics. it also has a very cultural atmosphere and environ­  able by relating science terms to real life today.
             ment that spreads and brings insight to many.  In  general.  Carrollton’s  academic  program  helps  pre­
               Another  department  in  the  High  School  is  Histoiy.   pare students for college. It aims to make college easier by
             Within  these  classes,  students  are  taken  on  “voyages"   requiring students to take classes that they will find nec­
             every day to leam about the past events the world has had   essary for the future. The curriculum is at times rigorous
             to endure for the last couple of centuries. Many of the stu­  and difficult yet beneficial and enlightening. A graduate of
             dents put on  presentations or are taken  on  field  trips to   Carrollton  walks  away  with  knowledge  that  exceeds  the
             learn about certain issues first hand. An example of one is   call of high school. These students become educated and
             Close Up. a program where the Juniors go to Washington  well-rounded Sacred Heart women.
                Top right: Sophomore Carolina Stillone
               studies for her big English test. Bottom:
               Even during a break, students are busy
                 studying. Bottom middle: Sophomore
              Nicole Lydecker enjoys the solitude of the
                 library to study. Bottom right: Histoiy
                class provides a challenge to the fresh­
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